Monday, April 23, 2012

Nail it!

It is summertime and im pretty sure that almost all of the girls out there are looking forward to get their summer nails done. Some wants it candy colored and some wants to get a nail art whether it's handmade, printed or stickers . Well, I usually go for candy colors, but now I have a new obsession, the nail stickers that also serves as the nail polish itself. I wanna share you how it works. Check out below:

From this..

To this!
 Hee hee :)

More Photos:

4th sticker I have tried
I made this to my friend
Bare with my dry skin here, I was peeling all over that time..

 Quite messy, cause it's newly polished. I had to cut my nails after :D

Cause I can't get enough of it bwahaha

How it works: 
Just put it in a bucket of water and then let the sticker and the paper separate. Get the sticker and apply it onto your nails. Press it with a cotton and dry it, cut the excess using a nail file, and apply a colorless nail polish. Let it dry. You're finally done! Fabuloso!  

A messy-free way of prepping your own nails. Plus, it is so cheap!!!!!! So you better try it! You just have to be extra careful with the sticker because it can tear..

I'll be adding more photos once I made a new one :)

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